
Pentecost Sunday 2018
May 20 @ 11:00 AM

Pentecost points to Promises, Provisions & Praise

Pentecost speaks of what was to come, what did come and what is to come!

Every community has cause to rejoice!

Every person has reason to lift their voices in praise!

Every family knows that mercy has come to their homes through faith!

Come and join us as we celebrate divine promises being fulfilled, provisions being made and the fervent expressions of grateful hearts.!

Come and join us for a grand celebration of what God has done, is doing and shall do!  Pentecost reveals the life-changing power of God!


Brooklyn Diocese – Diocesan Bishop Visits 2018 – Beulah Church, Coney Island
Aug 26 @ 12:00 PM
Pentecost Sunday 2019
Jun 9 @ 12:45 PM – 3:00 PM

Pentecost points to Promises, Provisions & Praise

Pentecost speaks of what was to come, what did come and what is to come!

Every community has cause to rejoice!

Every person has a reason to lift their voice in praise!

Every family knows that mercy has come to their homes!

Come and join us as we celebrate divine promises being fulfilled, provisions being made and the fervent expressions of grateful hearts.!

Come and join us for a grand celebration of what God has done, is doing and shall do!  Pentecost reveals the life-changing power of God!


Bronx Refuge to BT – Fellowship Service
Nov 17 @ 4:00 PM – 6:30 PM

This afternoon Brooklyn and The Bronx Unite!!

Come and experience life-changing worship that you don’t want to miss, that will bless you for the entire week!

Pastor Michael and First Lady Janean Bouie and the Saints of Bronx Refuge Church are our guests and you need to show your face in the place! Come and go with us, and we will do you good!

District Elder Michael & First Lady Janean Bouie

Beulah Tab Women’s Day 2019
Dec 8 @ 12:00 PM
Pentecost Sunday 2020
May 31 all-day

Pentecost points to Promises, Provisions & Praise

Pentecost speaks of what was to come, what did come and what is to come!

Every community has cause to rejoice!

Every person has a reason to lift their voice in praise!

Every family knows that mercy has come to their homes!

Join us as we celebrate divine promises being fulfilled, provisions being made and the fervent expressions of grateful hearts.!

Join us for a grand celebration of what God has done, is doing and shall do!  Pentecost reveals the life-changing power of God!


Pentecost Sunday 2021
May 23 all-day

Pentecost points to Promises, Provisions & Praise

Pentecost speaks of what was to come, what did come and what is to come!

Every community has cause to rejoice!

Every person has a reason to lift their voice in praise!

Every family knows that mercy has come to their homes!

Join us as we celebrate divine promises being fulfilled, provisions being made and the fervent expressions of grateful hearts.!

Join us for a grand celebration of what God has done, is doing and shall do!  Pentecost reveals the life-changing power of God!


VIDEO & TELECONFERENCING: Click on this link to join
Follow the prompts
And you should be all set.

TELECONFERENCING ONLY: For those who prefer to only dial-in to listen, you will need to do ONE OR THE OTHER of the following:

1. Copy and paste this phone number into your phone dialer and follow the prompt:
(one tap dialing) +16465588656,,2810501745#


2. Dial: +1 646 558 8656
Meeting ID: 281 050 1745   Password  555373

Bishop Horace C. Michael, Senior Pastor, Beulah Tabernacle Church 

Diocesan Bishop Visits 2022 – Beulah Church, Coney Island
Aug 21 @ 11:00 AM

As the spread and devastating effects of COVID-19 is decreasing and more and more people are getting the vaccine and boosters, we are resuming a cautious level of in-house fellowship.  Still following the guidance of wearing face masks, temperature checks at the door and socially distant seating, we are coming together to lift up the name of Jesus – One Heart, One Praise, One Breakthrough, we are The Brooklyn Diocese, Region 2, Church of our Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith, Inc.

Join Bishop Michael and the Saints of Beulah Tabernacle, as we go to encourage the hearts of leaders and members of our beloved churches.

Pentecost Sunday 2023
May 28 all-day

Pentecost points to Promises, Provisions & Praise

Pentecost speaks of what was to come, what did come and what is to come!

Every community has cause to rejoice!

Every person has a reason to lift their voice in praise!

Every family knows that mercy has come to their homes!

Join us as we celebrate divine promises being fulfilled, provisions being made and the fervent expressions of grateful hearts.!

Join us for a grand celebration of what God has done, is doing and shall do!  Pentecost reveals the life-changing power of God!


VIDEO & TELECONFERENCING: Click on this link to join
Follow the prompts
And you should be all set.

TELECONFERENCING ONLY: For those who prefer to only dial-in to listen, you will need to do ONE OR THE OTHER of the following:

1. Copy and paste this phone number into your phone dialer and follow the prompt:
(one tap dialing) +16465588656,,2810501745#


2. Dial: +1 646 558 8656
Meeting ID: 281 050 1745   Password  555373

Bishop Horace C. Michael, Senior Pastor, Beulah Tabernacle Church